
Georgia Elected as Member of UN Human Rights Council

The Public Defender responds to the decision made at the United Nations General Assembly’s plenary meeting and describes the election of Georgia as a member of the UN Human Rights Council as important.

Public Defender Ucha Nanuashvili relates the abovementioned to the steps taken by Georgia in the field of protection of human rights and thinks that the decision is a great honor as well as great responsibility for the country.

"It is important Georgia to fulfill not only its UN commitments effectively, but also to move closer to international standards and to use the UN system for responding to violation of human rights and for improving situation in this area. The Council membership is a new challenge for the country; the issues of human rights must become a priority in the country’s domestic and foreign policies," said the Public Defender.

Georgia was elected to serve on the UN Human Rights Council for 2016-2018 with 177 votes. 18 members were elected in total in the 2015 elections according to a regional pattern. Georgia was elected without a competition. It took one of the two seats intended for Eastern European States.

The Public Defender congratulates Georgia on the success and thanks the UN Member States for support.

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