
Gender Equality Issues in Public Defender’s Parliamentary Report 2015

One of the issues in the Public Defender's ParliamentaryReport 2015 is practical experience and challenges in terms of women's political participation and gender mainstreaming.

The Public Defender's Office has analyzed the activities of the executive authorities and local self-government bodies; studied gender composition of employees at all levels as well as functioning of a person or a structural unit responsible for gender equality. The study results showed that no information is collected, analyzed or published about gender composition of employees by a number of ministries and local government bodies. Majority of workers at the executive level, in the ministries, are women, but they are not on the leading positions. The situation might be linked to the so-called existence of a glass ceiling, the invisible barrier that is a hindrance for women in promotion or participation in decision-making process.

Persons responsible for gender equality issues are appointed only in three ministries. We welcome the fact that in 2015 there was increase in the number of local governments, where persons in charge of gender equality issues - "gender advisors" were appointed.

During the meetings held by the Public Defender's Office in the reporting period, attention was attracted to issues of gender equality and, in general, to women's participation in rural development programs. According to local residents, women do not participate in planning or implementation of projects funded by the rural development programs. The reason is that, on the one hand, women's involvement in this process is perceived negatively by the public, and on the other hand, the governor does not invite women to the village meetings. This is proved by information provided by the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure about the gender differential number of persons involved in the planning and implementation of rural development programs (community gatherings, etc.); 2015 was an important year in terms of the launch of consideration of a quota mechanism by the Parliament.

The Public Defender supported the “50/50” initiative of the Women's Movement, according to which, each other candidate on the list must be of a different gender. The Public Defender considers that this is a real way for avoiding the existing unequal situation and a chance that both sexes will be given equal access to the decision-making process. Unfortunately, the Legal Affairs Committee did not support any initiative.

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