
Information Bulletin of Summer 2017

The Public Defender of Georgia has presented an updated, quarterly bulletin. The document provides information about the Public Defender's summer activities, monitoring of closed institutions, special reports, public statements on the important developments in the area of human rights, recommendations, successful cases and statistics of applications that refers to the increased awareness of the population towards the Public Defender's Office and high degree of confidence.

The bulletin also provides information about the activities carried out within the framework of the information campaign Safe Toy. According to a survey, substance D-2-ethylholexpliflate (DEHP), the use of which is prohibited by the EU regulations, was found in 90 % of toys on the Georgian market. The goal of the Public Defender’s campaign is to tell the Government what measures are to be taken to eliminate the problem, such as creation of a supervising mechanism, determination of the responsibility of the business sector, regulation of the legislative framework and institutional market.

The summer bulletin also reviews the meetings held by the Public Defender and his delegation with representatives of Congress and human rights organizations in the United States, as well as their interest in the human rights situation in Georgia.

See the electronic version of the Public Defender's bulletin

Woking Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00–18:00
Hot line: 1481 (24/7)