
June 20 – World Refugee Day

The Public Defender held an information campaign with regard to the World Refugee Day in front of the Liberty Metro on June 20, 2016. Representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees also took part in the event.

The event aimed to increase public interest and awareness of the rights of refugees. Employees of the Public Defender's Office informed citizens of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and persons with humanitarian status; they also distributed information leaflets.

The World Refugee Day has been celebrated since 2000. There are about 60 million internally displaced people, including 20 million refugees, in the world. They were forced to leave their countries and ask for asylums in safe countries due to wars and human rights violations.

Georgia has committed itself to the protection of refugees after joining the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention and its additional protocol in 1967. The Public Defender hopes that the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and persons with humanitarian status will be guaranteed in our country.

One of the priorities of the Public Defender's Office is to study the rights situation of asylum seekers, refugees and persons with humanitarian status. A special chapter is dedicated to the rights of the abovementioned persons in the Public Defender’s parliamentary report.

The Public Defender works closely with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, by financial support of which the Public Defender's Office prepared a special report on asylum seekers, refugees and persons with humanitarian status in 2015.


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