
Public Defender’s Meetings in Brussels

The Public Defender of Georgia, Ucha Nanuashvili, discussed the human rights situation of Georgia, drawbacks in the judiciary, media environment, problems of the residents of the occupied territories and areas adjacent to the dividing line, prohibition of teaching in the Georgian language in the Gali district and security challenges at the meetings with representatives the European Commission, NATO and other international organizations during his official visit to Brussels on October 12-13, 2017.

The Public Defender also provided information about the details of the implementation of the anti-discrimination law, minority rights, the situation of gender equality, needs of persons with disabilities, deficiencies in the investigation of alleged ill-treatment and abuse of power by law enforcers, situation in the penitentiary establishments, frequent deaths and injuries in the workplace and other important issues.

European officials and representatives of the international organizations showed particular interest in the constitutional reform of Georgia, justice issues and the Afgan Mukhtarli case.

The Public Defender held meetings with Hanna Jahns, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn’s Advisor for issues of Georgia, Ana Maria Gomes, Member of the European Parliament, Boris Iarochevitch, Head of the Division of Eastern Partnership (EaP) at the European External Action Service (EEAS), and Dark Lorenz, Deputy Head of the Division of Bilateral Cooperation with Georgia, as well as Stavro Lombardin, EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Biorne Kunes, Advisor to the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Issues, and Jacqueline Dow, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security.

The meeting with representatives of international organizations was organized by the Open Society - European Policy Institute.


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