
Public Defender's Statement on Neglect of Child's Best Interests in Kindergarten

The Public Defender is responding to the video spread on social networks, which shows children's performance of a “wedding” in Tbilisi’s 56th kindergarten. The Public Defender considers that this kind of educational process is contrary to the best interests of children and has negative impact on the formation of their consciousness.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes full consideration of the child’s true and best interests as the major principle for ensuring protection and welfare of children, while the state is obliged to ensure relevant protection of children and realization of their best interests.

Article 29 of the same Convention protects the right of the child, according to which, his/her education shall be focused on the development of personality, talent and mental and physical abilities. Education should prepare children for an active life in a free society.

Accordingly, the preschool educational process should serve the harmonious development of children and should be relevant to their age-related needs and abilities.

The Public Defender calls on the Tbilisi Kindergartens Management Agency to ensure immediate response to the abovementioned event occurring in Tbilisi’s 56th kindergarten. He also calls on the pre-school institutions to use pre-school standards as guidelines and ensure that the educational process is in line with children’s age and development, in compliance with the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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