
Public Defender Visits Mzia Amaglobeli in Penitentiary Institution

On January 21, 2025, the Public Defender of Georgia, Levan Ioseliani, visited Mzia Amaglobeli in Penitentiary Establishment No. 5, checked her accommodation conditions and protection of her rights; personally heard from the journalist about the circumstances of her detention and alleged ill-treatment by the police. They also discussed the charges and the pre-trial detention used against her.

Earlier, Mzia Amaglobeli was visited by the Public Defender's representatives in the temporary detention center on the day of her detention and later in the penitentiary institution.

Mzia Amaglobeli was informed about the legal measures taken by the Public Defender and his office in relation to her case, including the amicus curiae opinion filed by the Public Defender with the Kutaisi Court of Appeal.

The Public Defender hopes that the Kutaisi Court of Appeal will take into account the circumstances set out in the amicus curiae opinion and will consider the application of a proportionate and justified measure of restraint against Mzia Amaglobeli, if necessary.

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