
Public Defender's Office Presents New Communication Strategy

On April 7, 2017, the Public Defender presented new communication strategy to the representatives of the media, public agencies and civil society. The document was prepared by the PR and marketing communications company GEPRA with the support of the EU-funded project “Fight against All Forms of Discrimination in Georgia”.

The main objective of the strategy is, on the one hand, to increase the transparency and accountability of the Public Defender’s Office, and on the other hand, to promote effective communication in the area of human rights and other important issues. The document includes a communication strategic umbrella and specific recommendations in the field of public relations. The leadership, representatives of the public relations unit of the Public Defender's Office and all participants of the communication process were involved in the development of the strategy.

The process of development included several stages. At the initial stage, analysis of the situation was made and the existent atmosphere was defined. At the second stage, a strategic planning meeting was held with the participation of the Public Defender's Office and the major components of the strategy were developed. The team working on the strategy presented a one-year action plan. They defined measures necessary for the achievement of the planned objectives, implementation deadlines, responsible parties and appropriate financial resources.

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სახალხო დამცველის აპარატმა ახალი საკომუნიკაციო სტრატეგიის პრეზენტაცია გამართა 7.04.17 Public Defender's Office Presents New Communication Strategy

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