
Public Defender’s Recommendation to Minister of Internal Affairs

The Public Defender of Georgia has appealed to the Minister of Internal Affairs with a recommendation to study the legality of the actions committed against a former police inspector.

In his application V.C. noted that the General Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted improper and biased investigation into the incident that took place between him and his platoon commander, based on which he was illegally dismissed from his post. After that V.C. expressed a peaceful protest against the General Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during which he was arrested under the administrative law; however, since no administrative violation could be proved, the court ceased proceedings against him.

After studying the issue, the Public Defender concluded that the investigation conducted by the General Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs contained a number of flaws and the order, issued on the basis of the agency’s report, was not properly grounded. At the same time, V.C.’s right to fair labour compensation was violated; the right to integrity of freedom was also violated by V.C.’s arrest under the administrative law.

Based on the above, the Public Defender addressed the Minister of Internal Affairs with a recommendation to study the issues of V.C.’s dismissal, his adequate labour compensation as well as his compensation for the damages caused by the unlawful detention. In addition, the Public Defender considers that the alleged disciplinary offense committed by V.C.’s commander should be studied as well. The Public Defender recommends the Minister to personally study the existing gaps in the work of the General Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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