
Recommendation regarding establishment of response mechanism to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces

The Public Defender of Georgia addressed the Head of the Department of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara with a recommendation to develop a response mechanism to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces. This mechanism should have a relevant sanction system that will create secure environment free of sexual harassment for employees and will reduce risks of sexual harassment to the minimum.

Since a fact of sexual harassment has been registered in the above-mentioned agency the Public Defender’s Office is ready to share experience that is based on protection of principles of equality and prevention of harassment at workplaces that was assumed by Georgia in the framework of international agreements.

On November 25, 2014, the Public Defender of Georgia approved the policy-defining document for prevention of sexual harassment. Taking into account importance of in-practice application of norms prohibiting discrimination approved by the national and international legislation, the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia assumed obligation to create secure environment free of sexual harassment for its workers. To achieve the said objective special attention will be paid to conduction of preventive measures.

The Public Defender of Georgia calls on public and private bodies to follow experience of the Public Defender and promote fight against sexual harassment at workplaces through establishing internal response mechanisms.

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