Sex / Gender

Public Defender of Georgia Considers that Bugha Ads are Sexist

On November 9, 2017, the Public Defender addressed JSC Healthy Water with a general proposal concerning the sexist advertising campaign and packaging of the energy drink Bugha.

The inscription on the energy drink Bugha says: "Not for girls", while the advertising campaign on the social network emphasizes that “Bugha is a real man”. Another ad on the social network says that drink Dzrokha (cow) is intended only for “Nashas” (women for non-serious relationship).

The Public Defender considers that the Bughapackaging is insulting for women and promotes inequality between men and women, as the packaging, as well as the social network campaign underlines men's dominance.

The Public Defender notes that the ads containing sexist phrases and/or photos/illustrations deepen discriminatory approach against one of the sexes, promotes discrimination and justifies discriminatory practices.

The Public Defender calls on the Healthy Water Company to repackage the energy drink Bugha in such a way that it does not contribute to discrimination against women or any other groups, respect the rights of consumers and protect the principle of equality.

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